Paradise Towers is a 2018 Indian fiction novel written by Shweta Bachchan Nanda. "In a leafy Mumbai suburb, on the very turn of a U bend, stood the handsome structure of Paradise Towers, a residential building, built in late sixties, as the last word in modern convenience." Yes.., Paradise Towers is a little apartment complex in Mumbai with it's residents from different walks of and life and cultural background consisting of Gujaratis.., Bengalis.., NRI.., and Muslims.. The plot of the novel revolves around the lives of the residents.. "Nothing dramatic ever happened in Paradise Towers... or so you might think.. Of course, appearances are deceptive." Okay.., so talking about the protagonist of the novel.. well.., Should it be Mrs. Aly Khan.. or Should it be Mrs. Ranganekar.. or Should it be Mrs. Kapoor.. or Laila.. well.. I would rather say all the residents of Paradise Towers including the helper, the children all of them together portray to be t...
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