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Sometimes I actually feel as if I am being governed by 'Two Me' the Optimistic me and the Pessimistic me and you know actual conversation runs through my head between the two..

Optimistic Me: You can do it.., it's worth taking a risk..

Pessimistic Me: Oh.. no no .., do not risk it, what if it does not turn up the way you have thought it..

Optimistic Me: And what if it does turn up the way I have thought it..

Pessimistic Me: Well.., you actually need a reality check. You need to think practically dude just do not rush into it..

Optimistic Me: It's definitely worth a try..

Pessimistic Me: And what if it will only incur loss..

Optimistic Me: Um, just leave...

Yes, our mind does have such conversation isn't it?

Okay.., So if 'Pessimistic me' escalates up whenever we are trying to opt for a difficult path then you know what just tell 'Pessimistic me' to buzz off.. Yes we can actually shape our thoughts and shift our gears with it and make our way accordingly..

Again here I will say there are some people who are just gifted with immense positivity and then there are some who really try hard to win over 'Pessimistic me..'
I completely empathize with those people who struggle to win over it.. but you know what it's a necessary amendment we all should bring into our life...

Okay.., so here I decided to dig into the science behind it.. and I have some useful information to share.., okay I would suggest you all to read it till the end..😂, may be it will help...

Okay.., so basically there are these four hormones responsible for keeping us positive..

1. Endorphins:  (considered to be as natural pain killers..)

All we need to do for the secretion of this hormone is to exercise.
Yes.., a walk.., or workout in gym.., or dance any exercise.. wherein you just think about yourself, you focus on yourself , it helps in secretion of this hormone and eventually help us stay positive.

2. Serotonin: (also known as happy hormone)

All we need to do for secretion of this hormone is to be happy...! 😃
yes.., that's all!
It reduces pain and controls our appetite and eventually help us stay positive..

3. Dopamine: This hormone is basically a neurotransmitter that controls our brain and help us achieve our goal..

4. Oxytocin: (also known as love hormone)

Okay.., for the release of this hormone all we need to do is to hug someone affectionately in the course of our day. And that someone can be your mother.., your little one.., or your other significant.

So one hug a day helps in release of this hormone and eventually help us stay positive.

This was the scientific theory behind it.

Apart from it all we need is BELIEF..

"Just believe in yourself that you can navigate through the nitty gritties of your life perfectly well.."

So .., amalgamation of both scientific and philosophical theory will help us win over "Pessimistic Me".

And you know what our mind conversation will actually turn out to be like..:

Pessimistic Me: What if you fail..?

Optimistic Me: Even if it does not work out it's okay at least I can walk out with my head held high with no regrets of not even trying it. And if I fail I will learn from it.., and you know what it yields important lessons only to those who sign up for it's curriculum.

Pessimistic Me: (Just did not have anything to say..)

Optimistic Me: (Just did a funny little jig in delight..)

I will just end up saying that..,

"Stay positive stay happy and you will see that thoughts of negativity will automatically drift away and will consequently descend a new positive atmosphere..!"

Be Happy..! :)


Greg said…
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