"Oh we had such a good time that day..!"
"OMG I am getting late.., I just did't keep note of time."
"Please do come on time."
"That person is very much particular about time.."
Yes.., we use the word 'Time' so often. Well, what exactly does it
So here I decide to google it and get to know it's technical meaning..
Google says..,
It is a point of time as measured in hours and minutes past midnight or
It is the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the
past, present, and future regarded as a whole.
It is plan, schedule, or arrange when (something) should happen or be
now let's just dive into it in our own way.., the way we look at it.
[ Below is the conversation that I had with my
friend. ]
My Friend: So, see you tomorrow morning at 8 o’clock
and yes, don’t be late.
Me: Yes.., okay. See you tomorrow morning and don’t
worry I wont be late.
[So here I set an alarm of 7 o’clock before going
to sleep]
[It’s 9 o’clock in the morning]
Me: OMG! It’s already 9. I was supposed to up by 7.. Oh no this alarm clock is just not right.
Mom …, why didn’t you wake me up.. also, I don’t remember
when did I turned down the alarm I am telling you this alarm clock has some
kind of fault in it.
Mom: (little irritated) How can you just say that. Firstly,
you didn’t tell me to wake you up. Secondly don’t blame the alarm clock unnecessarily.
My mom
just could not make head or tail of people who overslept and blamed it on alarm
clock not ringing.., may be because she never felt the need of one.😂
We all
would have experienced it right..
So this
is the definition of time that says.., “ It
is a point of time as
measured in hours and minutes past midnight or noon.”
We all would have bookmarked certain events of our life which we say as ‘Good
times’ and revisiting it even today pops up a wide smile on our face..
With this we also remember ‘difficult times’ which we found to be
difficult in that phase of our life and now looking back at it , we would
say.., that was the best learning experience and today I am more stronger
because of it.
From some of the experiences that I have had in my life and also listening to
the anecdotes of my parents life and other elder members of my family.. all I can
say is..
“It is difficult to
befriend present when you are quarreling with your past.. so accept your
present and make most of it..”
So this is the definition of time that says.., “ It is the indefinite continued progress of
existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole.”
I always used to consider myself to be a
person who is sorted, lucid about future and very planned until I encountered an
unexpected situation which actually just disrupted all my planning..😂
So here all I would say is it’s good to have
a clear plan.., but just don’t immerse yourself completely into it because
certain things in life are just not in our hands and when it does not happen
according to our plan it hurts. So just don’t get completely immersed in it.
And you know what..
It’s difficult that everything will happen
according to our timeline , so let’s just leave it on universe’s timeline and
make most from whatever we have..
So this is the definition of time that
says.., “ It is a plan, a schedule, or arrange when (something) should
happen or be done.”
I would just end up saying..,
“We all have
boarded the train .. yes the train of life.., we can yank at chain incessantly
but you know what, this hurtling train would only stop at it’s destined station..!”
Be Happy!:)
Be Happy!:)