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The Matilda Effect by Ellie Irving is an absolute pleasure to read..

The Matilda effect tells the story of a little girl (12 year old..), called Matilda, who loves science and wishes to become an inventor one day. So when, she discovers that her grandma was once a scientist herself she was completely astonished..! and then when she comes to know that her grandma's boss stole her discovery for himself and soon is going to be awarded Nobel prize for the same , she feels completely demented and decides to fight for it, So here our little Matilda sets out on a journey to fight for Granny Joss's rights..

                                    Image result for The MAtilda effect

 The narration of the story is being done by our little Matilda.., the innocence with she brings out the story would invariably make you fall in love with the book right from the opening para.. (as described below..)

" I wanted to start this book with a quote. Mr Keegan, who's my headteacher and takes us for history on Friday afternoons, says our essays should start with a quote that sets up what it's going to be about."

Matilda is super excited when she gets to know that there is science fair in the school. She enthusiastically participates in it but when she does not win it, she is completely devastated, because Judges did not believe that she invented it herself and said she copied it from somewhere.

Matilda loses the science fair against Thomas Thomas.. 😂 (Yes,well.. that's the name of the boy against whom she lost the prize..)
Along with innocence she does bring in fun element in her narration:

"With absolutely no consideration of how it would affect his chances in life, Mr and Mrs Thomas had decided to call their son, their only child, Thomas. Thomas Thomas. As if there wasn't anything else in whole world they could have called him instead. Names that would have been for Thomas Thomas than Thomas Thomas:

Timothy Thomas

Sarah Thomas
Republic of Congo Thomas
Anything other than Thomas Thomas

I hope, dear reader, that after mocking the name, none of you reading this is called Thomas Thomas. If you are, I'm sorry."

So when Matilda shares her woes with her Grandma Joss and learns about her truth, she could connect with her Grandma and could feel how much hurt she would be...
Matilda is determined to fight for it, to stop the award ceremony and tell everyone the truth..!!
Here begins a race against the time, against Matilda's parents, on a journey through Paris, Hamburg and Stochlam, and on which they encounter a famous film star, a circus and a wanted diamond thief..
On their journey they stumble from one adventure to next, including hot air balloon ride and getting kidnapped.., and so much more happens..😂
You would actually get transported to Matilda's world and would very much stay intact with it till the end.., and yes.., the way it ends you would be truly touched..!

With being innocent and funny there is also an underlying touch of Maturity with which Matilda thinks...

"Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and confidence in ourselves. The first principle: Never to let oneself be beaten down by persons or events."

Well.., It is an exceedingly amazing book with an even more exceedingly amazing adventure.. okay.. wait, if   I have to say this in Matilda style.. then it will be like.. It's an extraceedingly amazing book with an extraceedingly amazing adventure..!😂

A Must Read!...


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