'The Pursuit of Happyness' is a 2006 American biographical drama film directed by Gabriele Muccino starring Will Smith as Chris Gardner and Jaden Smith as Gardner's son, Christopher.
The movie starts with Chris Gardner dropping his little kid Christopher to the playschool.
Chris Gardner: [narrating] I met my father for the first time when I was 28 years old. I made up my mind that when I had children, my children were going to know who their father was..

Chris Gardner invests his entire life savings in portable bone density scanner which he sold for a living.
Chris Gardner: This part of my life story .., this part is called riding a bus..
He was not able to sell enough scanners so as to pay the bills and the rent. The time lag between the sales and growing financial demands enrage his already bitter and alienated wife Linda, who works as hotel maid.
Chris Gardner: This part of my life is called being stupid..
Trusting a hippie girl with his scanner (meanwhile he goes to get an application for internship at Dean Witter Reynolds , a stockbroker company), yes, it was indeed a stupid thing to do..😂
While Chris is trying to sell one one the scanners, he meets Jay Twistle, a manager for Dean Witter Reynolds, and impresses him by solving a Rubik's cube during a taxi ride and this new relationship with Jay earns him a chance to become an intern stockbroker..
The increasing financial instability erodes their marriage and Linda decides to leave Chris Gardner..
Chris Gardner: [narrating at payphone, raining, after learning Linda is taking Christopher away from him] . It was right then that I started thinking about Thomas Jefferson on the declaration of Independence and the part about our right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. And I remember thinking how did he know to put the pursuit part in there? that may be happiness is something that we can only pursue and maybe we can actually never have it. No matter what. How did he know that?
Gardner's unpaid internship does not please Linda, who eventually leaves for New York City because she might get a job there at her sister's boyfriend new restaurant and after Gardner bluntly says that she is incapable of being a single mom, she agrees on Christopher staying with his dad..
Later it depicts the everyday struggle of father and son and how they manage to find happiness just by being together..
But dwindling savings quickly result in an eviction from their apartment and then another from a motel. Soon, father son are homeless, staying in city shelters on good nights and public restroom on worst.
Chris Gardner: [after playing basket ball] Hey! don't ever let somebody tell you .. you can't do something. Not even me..
Christopher: Alright..
Chris Gardner:You got a dream.. you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves.. they wanna tell you can't do it. If you want something , go get it.
The way Chris manages the things in his life be it taking care of his son, his internship and selling scanners for living will just move you very deeply...
It has numerous father-son moments which will just steal away your heart..
One such moment was at subway..
(Both of them sitting on the bench at subway..)
Christopher: dad, it's not a time machine..(looking at the scanner), that guy said it's a time machine.. but it's not.
Chris Gardner: Which guy?
Christopher: The guy at the park said it's a time machine but it's not..
Chris Gardner: Yes, it is..
Christopher: No it's not..
Chris Gardner: All we got to do is press this black button right here.. wanna push it?
Chris Gardner: right here..
Christopher:(pushes the button)
Chris Gardner: Close your eyes... oh! my goodness... open open open...
Christopher:What is this?
Chris Gardner: dinosaurs...
Chris Gardner: you don't see all these dinosaurs look around at all these dinosaurs..
Chris Gardner: Do you see them?
Christopher: yaa..
Chris Gardner: c'mon c'mon watch out!
Christopher: What is it..
Chris Garner: Don't step on fire..
Christopher: watch out!
Chris Gardner: Oh! god just get your stuff we gotta find some safe place..
Christopher: where?
Chris Gardner: We are gonna find a cave.. here's a cave right here..
Christopher: Are we safe here?
Chris Gardner: yaa..
That cave was a rest room at subway..
In this scene Chris and his son Christopher are trying to figure out where to sleep the night after losing their home. Their lives are completely changing for the worse it seems, yet they both manage to keep moving by using their imagination.
Chris Gardner: Why don't you get some sleep okay?
Christopher: okay.
Chris Gardner:Warm enough..
Chris Gardner: Alright..
Christopher:Did mom leave because of me?
Chris Gardner:what?
Christopher:Did mom leave because of me?
Chris Gardner: Don't even think that mom left because of mom and you did't do anything okay?
Christopher:okay.. You are a good papa..
Chris Gardner: Alright go to sleep..

Chris Gardner: Next day after work we just went to the beach far away from anything everything just Christopher and me..
Chris Gardner eventually gets a job in the company as the stock broker..
yes.., and when he gets to know about it.., happiness that reflected through his eyes said it all..,words were just not required..
Chris Gardner:This part of my life.. this little part is called "happiness"...
The Pursuit of Happiness is must watch..!
The movie starts with Chris Gardner dropping his little kid Christopher to the playschool.
Chris Gardner: [narrating] I met my father for the first time when I was 28 years old. I made up my mind that when I had children, my children were going to know who their father was..

Chris Gardner invests his entire life savings in portable bone density scanner which he sold for a living.
Chris Gardner: This part of my life story .., this part is called riding a bus..
He was not able to sell enough scanners so as to pay the bills and the rent. The time lag between the sales and growing financial demands enrage his already bitter and alienated wife Linda, who works as hotel maid.
Chris Gardner: This part of my life is called being stupid..
Trusting a hippie girl with his scanner (meanwhile he goes to get an application for internship at Dean Witter Reynolds , a stockbroker company), yes, it was indeed a stupid thing to do..😂
While Chris is trying to sell one one the scanners, he meets Jay Twistle, a manager for Dean Witter Reynolds, and impresses him by solving a Rubik's cube during a taxi ride and this new relationship with Jay earns him a chance to become an intern stockbroker..
The increasing financial instability erodes their marriage and Linda decides to leave Chris Gardner..
Chris Gardner: [narrating at payphone, raining, after learning Linda is taking Christopher away from him] . It was right then that I started thinking about Thomas Jefferson on the declaration of Independence and the part about our right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. And I remember thinking how did he know to put the pursuit part in there? that may be happiness is something that we can only pursue and maybe we can actually never have it. No matter what. How did he know that?
Gardner's unpaid internship does not please Linda, who eventually leaves for New York City because she might get a job there at her sister's boyfriend new restaurant and after Gardner bluntly says that she is incapable of being a single mom, she agrees on Christopher staying with his dad..
Later it depicts the everyday struggle of father and son and how they manage to find happiness just by being together..
But dwindling savings quickly result in an eviction from their apartment and then another from a motel. Soon, father son are homeless, staying in city shelters on good nights and public restroom on worst.
Chris Gardner: [after playing basket ball] Hey! don't ever let somebody tell you .. you can't do something. Not even me..
Christopher: Alright..
Chris Gardner:You got a dream.. you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves.. they wanna tell you can't do it. If you want something , go get it.
The way Chris manages the things in his life be it taking care of his son, his internship and selling scanners for living will just move you very deeply...
It has numerous father-son moments which will just steal away your heart..
One such moment was at subway..
(Both of them sitting on the bench at subway..)
Christopher: dad, it's not a time machine..(looking at the scanner), that guy said it's a time machine.. but it's not.
Chris Gardner: Which guy?
Christopher: The guy at the park said it's a time machine but it's not..
Chris Gardner: Yes, it is..
Christopher: No it's not..
Chris Gardner: All we got to do is press this black button right here.. wanna push it?
Chris Gardner: right here..
Christopher:(pushes the button)
Chris Gardner: Close your eyes... oh! my goodness... open open open...
Christopher:What is this?
Chris Gardner: dinosaurs...
Chris Gardner: you don't see all these dinosaurs look around at all these dinosaurs..
Chris Gardner: Do you see them?
Christopher: yaa..
Chris Gardner: c'mon c'mon watch out!
Christopher: What is it..
Chris Garner: Don't step on fire..
Christopher: watch out!
Chris Gardner: Oh! god just get your stuff we gotta find some safe place..
Christopher: where?
Chris Gardner: We are gonna find a cave.. here's a cave right here..
Christopher: Are we safe here?
Chris Gardner: yaa..
That cave was a rest room at subway..
In this scene Chris and his son Christopher are trying to figure out where to sleep the night after losing their home. Their lives are completely changing for the worse it seems, yet they both manage to keep moving by using their imagination.
Chris Gardner: Why don't you get some sleep okay?
Christopher: okay.
Chris Gardner:Warm enough..
Chris Gardner: Alright..
Christopher:Did mom leave because of me?
Chris Gardner:what?
Christopher:Did mom leave because of me?
Chris Gardner: Don't even think that mom left because of mom and you did't do anything okay?
Christopher:okay.. You are a good papa..
Chris Gardner: Alright go to sleep..

Chris Gardner: Next day after work we just went to the beach far away from anything everything just Christopher and me..
Chris Gardner eventually gets a job in the company as the stock broker..
yes.., and when he gets to know about it.., happiness that reflected through his eyes said it all..,words were just not required..
Chris Gardner:This part of my life.. this little part is called "happiness"...
The Pursuit of Happiness is must watch..!