Letters To Juliet is an american romantic drama film directed by Gary Winick starring Amanda Seyfried, Christopher Egan, Gael Garia Bernal, Venessa Redgrave and Franco Nero.
The film surrounds around young aspiring writer Sophie (Amanda Seyfried) who works for the New Yorker as fact checker. She heads for Italy for a pre-wedding vacation with her fiancee Victor (Gael Garcia Bernal), a workaholic who is obsessed with his impending restaurant opening and hence gets extremely busy with his work, neglecting Sophie.
So here Sophie decides to play tourist alone and ends up at the home of the fictional Juliet Capulet where she sees unhappy women of all ages writing longing letters and notes to lost and unrequited love and sticking them into stone wall.
Later, she discovered that these letters were collected and then answered by a group of women known as 'Secretaries of Juliet'. Sophie asks to join them and later while gathering the letter she accidentally finds a 50- year old letter written by British women Claire (Vanessa Redgrame).
And to that letter Sophie writes a heartfelt response because of which, within a week the elderly Claire arrives to Verona to meet Sophie with her handsome grandson Charlie (Christopher Egan).
And so, then they embark on a journey to find Claire's long lost love Lorenzo.
Well, ahead the story sets off a chain of events that will bring a love into both Claire and Sophie's life unlike anything they had ever imagined..

Was Lorenzo still alive..? If so...
Were they successful in finding him..?
What did the Love hate relationship that Sophie and Charlie shared eventually turn into..?
Well for that you need to watch the movie..!
Movie does not really offer any real depth.. it's a light hearted fun with many 'Aww..'😂 moments which makes it a worthy watch...
Letters to Juliet is relatively sweet, good, romantic comedy and is effortlessly timeless..
The film surrounds around young aspiring writer Sophie (Amanda Seyfried) who works for the New Yorker as fact checker. She heads for Italy for a pre-wedding vacation with her fiancee Victor (Gael Garcia Bernal), a workaholic who is obsessed with his impending restaurant opening and hence gets extremely busy with his work, neglecting Sophie.
So here Sophie decides to play tourist alone and ends up at the home of the fictional Juliet Capulet where she sees unhappy women of all ages writing longing letters and notes to lost and unrequited love and sticking them into stone wall.
Later, she discovered that these letters were collected and then answered by a group of women known as 'Secretaries of Juliet'. Sophie asks to join them and later while gathering the letter she accidentally finds a 50- year old letter written by British women Claire (Vanessa Redgrame).
And to that letter Sophie writes a heartfelt response because of which, within a week the elderly Claire arrives to Verona to meet Sophie with her handsome grandson Charlie (Christopher Egan).
And so, then they embark on a journey to find Claire's long lost love Lorenzo.
Well, ahead the story sets off a chain of events that will bring a love into both Claire and Sophie's life unlike anything they had ever imagined..

Was Lorenzo still alive..? If so...
Were they successful in finding him..?
What did the Love hate relationship that Sophie and Charlie shared eventually turn into..?
Well for that you need to watch the movie..!
Movie does not really offer any real depth.. it's a light hearted fun with many 'Aww..'😂 moments which makes it a worthy watch...
Letters to Juliet is relatively sweet, good, romantic comedy and is effortlessly timeless..