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Room, is a 2015 film directed by Lenny Abrahamson and written by Emma Donoghue based on her 2010 novel. It stars Brie Larson (Ma) as a mother of little 5 year old boy (Jack) and two of them are trapped in a Room .. yes a Room- with just four walls, a bed, a table, a wardrobe and an old T.V.

Brie Larson has been held captive for seven years and her five year old son was born in Room. Brie Larson creates this fairy tale kind of existence for her little boy and convinces him that their life is perfectly normal , that there is nothing wrong with being trapped in a 10-by-10 Room for years.., where a mysterious stranger (old Nick) comes to drop off supplies and hurts Ma.

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The movie begins with little boy (Jack) telling us how he came into the possession of his mother..
He wakes up and greets every piece of furniture in Room as for Jack everything has a personality and a proper name..

Jack: Good Morning Lamp..
         Good Morning plant..
         Good Morning rug..
         Good Morning wardrobe..
         Good Morning sink..

Jack is excited as it's his fifth birthday..!

Ma: Hey do you know what we are gonna do today?
Jack: What?
Ma: We are going to bake a birthday cake..
Jack: A birthday cake?
Ma: Mmhmm..
Jack: like from T.V?
Ma: hmm, but for real..
Jack: no way!

Yes.., for Jack 'Room' is his entire world.. Everything he knows and loves is right there.

So, when Ma decides that it's time for Jack to escape out and tells him the truth about the outside world , he fights it.. he does not believe that there is a world outside..

Ma tells Jack she has a plan to get him out .., to let him encounter the outside world..!

Jack: truck.., wiggle out jump .., run.. ask for help..
Ma: Jump when truck slows down.. Do not worry I'm going to be there talking in your head all the time..   

And.., it's not just about them escaping out of that Room.., it's about how different their life was when they moved out.. For Ma Room was a prison but for Jack it was his whole world..
For him the direct exposure to sunlight.., seeing too many people around itself was very bizarre..

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Jack: I've been in the world 37 hours. I've seen pancakes, and a stairs, and birds and windows, and hundreds of cars. And clouds and police, and doctors, and grandma and grandpa. I've seen persons with different faces, and bigness, and smells, talking all together. The world is like all T.V planets at the same time, so I don't know which one to look at and listen. There's doors and.. more doors.. and behind all doors, there's another inside and another outside. Anything happen, happen and goes on happening.It never stops. Plus the world's is always changing brightness, and hotness. and there is invisible germs floating everywhere when I was small, I only knew small things. But now I'm five I know Everything!

Being free is one thing and actually feeling free is another..
Ahead it shows how they overcome the difficulties to adapt to the different life they are exposed to..!
We get accustomed to things and atmosphere that we are surrounded with..
Jack was happy in his room, in his own virtual little world.., with his Ma..
The most important thing this movie brings out is that , all we need to live is 'Love' . Ma loved Jack immensely and so did he.., all that she did was only and only for him..

Jack: There's so much of 'place' in the world. There's less time because time has to be spread extra thin over all the places, like butter. So all the persons say "Hurry up! let's get going! pick up pace! Finish up now!" Ma was in a hurry to go 'boing' up to heaven, but she forgot me. Dumbo Ma! so the aliens threw her back down. CRASH! and broke her..

The film is narrated through the eyes of little Jack which in turn brings in the sense of innocence that will touch your soul..!
It's a movie that is engaging, emotionally driven with numerous heart touching mother-son moments..

It will just take you to the different world created by Ma and Jack..
Room.., is a must watch..!


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