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When it comes to LAUGHTER it takes me back to the moment wherein I , my two roommates and a dear friend of mine were just discussing something and then suddenly one of us busted out laughing and then the other person seeing it, accompanied her. Then the third one, seeing the other two laughing joined the queue. Consequently, even I busted out laughing. Yes, in short we all busted out laughing.. 😂

It just kept on increasing exponentially and had exploded to such a level that, if anyone would have passed our room at that moment, they would have invariably thought that these gaggle of giggling girls have gone insane..

We kept on Laughing .., Laughing and Laughing.. till the time we had arrived a state of breathlessness where we were hardly able to articulate our words..

Well, the other three did manage to suppress their giggle but I actually strained very hard to keep myself from laughing and eventually I used my hands to suppress it.😂

It actually felt as if we had a LAUGHTER ATTACK!

It made us feel light..,It actually provided us the moment of grace, even now when we revisit that moment we LAUGH!

All I want to highlight here is the importance of laughter..

  • LAUGHTER MAKES US HEALTHIER.., laughing lowers blood pressure, reduces stress hormone and increases muscle flexion.                                                                                                      
  • LAUGHTER TOUCHES OUR SOUL.., laughter is good for soul, it occurs spontaneously and unexpectedly..                                                                                                                                          
  • LAUGHTER KEEPS THINGS IN PERSPECTIVE.., there is a danger of taking ourselves, our beliefs, our life too seriously. So here's a suggestion, next time whenever you are in middle of argument start laughing obviously not in a derogatory tone, just in a jovial sense then your anger will automatically melt away..                                                                                                        
  • LAUGHTER HELPS US STAY POSITIVE..,laughter is an important tool for keeping our troubles in proportion, for realizing that things aren't bad as we think they are.

Obviously, above theory is not being stated by me, that's what science says, I only wanted to bring out it's importance..!

So .., Be Happy!.. live, love  and LAUGH!!


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